Film Director, Toronto
(Firvalley Productions)
is finally exposed
Please read.
This sexual abuse case
has been reported to the RCMP Sex Crime Unit in 2022.
The RCMP (Federal Canadian Police)
has taken this case seriously
and there is an open investigation
as we speak.
Joseph Blasioli could soon have some serious legal problems.
Some witnesses have been found.
And even a few members of
Joseph Blasioli´s family
are ready to testify.
– Please contact the RCMP directly if you have some knowledge
about what Joseph Blasioli did
to that young girl.
– Your testimony will help to protect our society from these predators/pedophiles.
– The harm they do to young girls
and their families is huge…

Hello, my name is Karen Brown.
I live in Vancouver B.C.
Laura Corbin was my best childhood friend and I wanted to tell her story and what happened to her during her teenage years when I knew her. I never forgot her and writing all this about her life
and suffering has been emotional for me. But I did it.
I spoke to some people I know in the #metoo movement a few months ago about Laura and they also want to participate and tell about Laura´s story.
I wrote a lot in my personal notebook back then during my teenage years, documenting what I saw and experienced as a teenager, and I’m glad I did.
I kept my notebook and a picture
of Laura all those years.
I am now telling what really happened to Laura Corbin. I, along with 3 friends and
a private investigator spent quite some time doing this research.
Laura was just a 13 year old girl
at the time…
Laura Corbin, who was born like me in the late 60’s, was my best friend when we were just very young girls in Toronto.
She was only thirteen (13).
She was young, beautiful and bright.
And now she’s gone. Because of Joseph Blasioli.
We had grown up together in the late 70´s and 80´s , playing in Toronto and giggling about the people we went to school with.
It still hurts to look back knowing everything she went through with Joseph.
She met him when she was thirteen (13), falling for his age and his power, and the fact that I doubt she ever really had a choice.
He was all the things you fear an older man for – abusive, controlling and the kind of man who enjoys power above all else.
She became his slave (Emotional and sexual) in all the ways a thirteen-year-old girl shouldn’t be.
I had also experienced the violent wrath of older men before, so I told her repeatedly that she shouldn’t be around him and that she wasn’t safe.
I don’t think she disagreed with me, but she had no way out.
He was cruel and violent in private with her, but he was also like a father to her in a way I doubt she could make sense of.
He was in his 20´s when they met, and he soon used that abusive power to enjoy her body in every way he could think of.
Laura was forced at the age of 13 to join him and other people in threesomes
and sex orgies, situations she couldn’t possibly consent to or understand.
Joseph forced drugs into her body to make her more compliant and pliable, likely quieter and more usable too.
Acid, cocaine and even heroin.
This was usually before the sex orgies. And there were many.
Laura told me so many things at that time.
Often she hadn’t even known she’d been drugged, being date raped for the use
of Joseph’s friends whenever he fancied.
He also used her body in other ways, making her steal in many shops for him, not caring when she was caught.
Cruel man.

Laura told me years ago, and she was devastated by this: I had written that name, Egidio Coccimiglio, in my notebook years ago: Joseph admitted to Laura that his friend from college, Egidio Coccimiglio
had used date rape drugs on her so that Laura would have sex with him easily. Egidio raped Laura using drugs against her will, according to Joseph’s admission to Laura.
We found Joseph’s friend, Egidio Coccimiglio, he is a film director and here is his picture below and info:

I often asked Laura about her parents, wondering where they were when all of this was happening.
She told me they knew what was happening to her, but they merely turned their heads so they wouldn’t have to see. “They are busy people,” she would say, “they’ve got other things to be dealing with”.
Joseph preyed on this, too, talking about how bad Laura´s parents were and how they didn’t care that much about their
little girl. It was all a tool of manipulation, of course. Laura was an easy sexual
prey at the age of 13, with no parents around.
Sick, disgusting.
We did some research about Laura´s parents, who left their daughter defenseless with Joseph,
that sexual predator of their 13-year-old little girl.
And some research about Joseph Blasioli.
– Hollis Corbin, Laura´s father.
Now living in Pictou, Nova Scotia.
Laura never felt she had a dad caring for her. He let Joseph take that role to abuse her.
Her father was more interested in his career and personal life than in his own little girl.
He operates a business in Nova Scotia: Mrs. MacGregor’s Shortbreads:
– Sandra Rifat, Laura´s mother.
Laura felt her mum gave up on her as a child too.
Laura was very much alone with no parents to care for her.
Sandra is now living in Victoria, B.C. Laura’s mother was more interested in her career and personal life than in her own little girl.
– Joseph Blasioli, Film Director,
Laura´s sexual predator:
Business: Firvalley Productions

Laura was miserable. Suffocating. Alone. Facing the abuse by herself.
She was calling me and she would cry. Each time.
She was exhausted in every way from the abuse (physical, psychological and sexual) and she wasn’t happy at all.
She told me she tried suicide a few times.
Laura suffered from severe depression
for years.
She was seeing a few psychiatrists for years.
I asked her many times why she stayed with that man, and if it was for sex? She responded that she had never experienced real pleasure in bed with Joseph, “Joe is not a good lover, I do not have any sexual pleasure with him” she was saying. “Joe can only hold it for a few minutes and he’s done!” she was saying.
And then Laura told me:
“I often cry when I am with Joe because I am so sad, depressed, unhappy and angry.
And I know that I am addicted to a bad person for me”.
Those were her words I had written down on my notebook.
Joseph took advantage of her for many years, sexually and emotionally.
But she didn’t know a way out or existence without Joseph. He was all she really had.
Other than for him and me, she was alone. Her parents were absent, too busy to care for their 13 year old daughter at the time.
I met Joseph a few times too, and the moment I saw his face, he scared me.
It was obvious that he was taking advantage of her, and there was nothing I could do.

Eventually, years passed and we were not in touch as much. But she kept me posted regularly.
Laura was much happier, as she left Joseph behind and found real love at the age of 25.
His name was Cedrick, a French citizen.
They got married in New Orleans and she became a different person, much happier than I’d ever seen her.
She told me a few times how much in love she was with him, and that he was the love of her life.
With a big smile, I even asked her how it was in bed with that frenchy!
She responded those few words with a huge happy smile: The best I ever had!
Her new husband was a good man, and he looked after her in a way I’m not sure she’d ever been looked after before.
I saw how he loved her.
The days of being used as a sex toy by Joseph were over, but that didn’t mean Joseph let her go willingly.
On the contrary, Joseph was furious about her marriage and was aggressive at every opportunity, trying everything possible to destroy their relationship.
Joseph was obviously very angry to see that Laura was so happy with her new man, that Laura’s new man was able to give so much joy and happiness to Laura.
He was also very angry and quite jealous to realize that Laura had never been happy with him.
He would call Laura & Cedrick’s home constantly, manipulating Laura with the emotional weak spots that he had created, and she didn’t know how to say no, how to live her life without him.
Laura was often calling me and crying about Joseph´s calls to ruin her marriage.
I offered support and told her to ignore Joseph.
She said Joseph kept telling her to ¨yell out at this jerk and tell him to get lost¨.
I had written those words.
Laura´s couple suffered from Joseph´s constant calls.
His words eventually snuck their way into the dark crevices of her brain and her marriage slowly fell apart.
Laura and Cedrick went through some very difficult emotional times, I was talking to both of them at the time.
They filed for divorce in the mid 90´s with the city of Toronto. Their divorce is on the public records.
And with the loss of her husband through their divorce, there was another space left in her life for Joseph to muscle his way back in, and they soon returned to the dynamic they’d had when they had first met: When she was thirteen (13).
When she was just a girl.
I do not know what ever happened to that frenchy after their divorce. Laura told me she knows he was hurt pretty bad by this whole situation.
Laura and Joseph married a few years later. She often called me on the phone upset and hurt over the continual abuse, suffering in all the ways a person could suffer.
She was my best friend, and as a result, it was difficult to hear and watch her going down so deeply, knowing there was nothing I could do to help her.
That there was nobody that could help her but herself. I felt powerless, unable to help her beyond anything but a few nice words, knowing she was too caught in Joseph’s web to be able to escape.
As I moved to Vancouver in 1997 with my husband, we lost touch, but I always wondered what had happened to Laura.
Years later, I heard from a mutual friend that her marriage had continued to be a nightmare behind closed doors, the sexual, psychological and physical abuse continued, more than any one person should ever have to live through.
In public, of course, they pretended to be healthy and happy, but they divorced eventually.
I felt hopeful at hearing that before I heard about her suicide attempts.
Laura died in 2008 at the age of 43. She was a very good childhood friend, she suffered a lot during her teenage years because of Joseph´s constant emotional and sexual abuse.
I was there to witness all this. Because of this abuse, I too suffered a lot during those years.
I only recently learned of her death and took to researching, desperate to find out as much as I could about the friend I’d spent my whole life worrying about. Officially, she died in Toronto
after a long battle with a disease.
While something else may be on her death certificate, I know the true disease to be Joseph.
She left this world by suicide, and according to our 1 year research and discussions
we had with various people, we have no doubt about that.
Many research show that suicides are quite common among women
who were sexually abused as a child…

I know that these words can
do nothing to bring her back, but I hope that they bring her a level of justice.
I wanted to break that silence about
Laura´s childhood and what she went through.
As a child and teenager I was always there for Laura, listening, comforting, talking to other people about Laura’s abusive relationship.
But we were very young and there was
not a lot I could do as Joseph had such
a huge grip on her.
I was suffering with Laura,
this was really draining.
I told her so many times to stop seeing
that guy, but he would call her
all the time.
She was his toy, a very young sexual toy.
This feels good to finally let this out
completely and publicly,
even after all these years.
I hope these words do help people going through the same
thing realize that they are not alone,
exactly as the #metoo movement I’ve been so involved in has done.
Like Laura, I was sexually abused as a teenager too.
But unlike Laura, I was lucky to have escaped, and my life flourished into something extraordinary.
While Laura couldn’t experience that in life, I will do everything I can to make sure she can in death.
I’ve worked with a few other women who also knew Laura at the time, and
we’re not going to let Laura down,
we will keep telling her story so that people know what really happened to Laura.
And that Joseph Blasioli is a predator,
he can still do more damages with little girls as an older man.
We have started to work with some volunteers of the “metoo” movement,
And how to tell Laura´s story.
They were touched by Laura’s s fate
and they will cooperate and promote this website they said.
Laura’s abuse is not unique, and predators need to be identified.
Enough suffering for so many abused women.
Joseph Blasioli has destroyed
a young woman ‘s life.
And we are finally saying publicly what really happened to her.
It’s the karma he deserves.
But it has been so long ago.
This website is a start,
we are telling Laura’s story
in her memory
so that other girls
and parents can learn and be more careful of predators
around their children.

**If you are reading this, and if you have been a victim of his abuse, or if you suspect that Joseph is still abusing
young girls, please report him to the authorities immediately:
You can do this anonymously there:
-Ontario Association of Children´s Aids Societies (OACS):
-or the Toronto Sex crime unit
**If you are reading this and anything feels familiar, please know that it is important you speak up now!
Because sexual abusers and predators don’t just stop with one child or one person, they continue like a leech, and they’ll never stop.
Please report your abuser to the authorities below and get some psychological support, even doing so anonymously in the below links if that feels more comfortable for you:
-or the Toronto Sex crime unit:
In the meantime, we are working with some volunteers of the MeToo
movement to see what legal actions, if any, could be taken against Joseph Blasioli in Toronto where he resides.
And against his friend Egidio Coccimiglio who sexually abused Laura using drugs.
We are talking to the Toronto Sex Crime units and to the media.
Joseph Blasioli is a film director: Someone could make a movie or documentary about Laura´s life and how Joseph Blasioli abused her for so long. A BLAST´HIM movie,? or BLAST´EM 2.
Similar title to the small documentary he did 30 years ago called BLAST´EM.
We will nonetheless promote this website with the help of our friends
at the #metoo movement and with the friends for Laura group.
There is always a way out.
There is always a way to happiness.
Please never forget that.
Below is the only picture I kept of Laura.
She had sent it to me
during her happy days with her “frenchy”,
as she called him.
Thank you very much
for reading.
Please feel free to share this website.
Thank you.
In Memory of Laura,
Laura can now Rest In Peace.
Karen & Friends.


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